Research Protocols
At the Chihuahua Cancer Center, we collaborate with the pharmaceutical industry to develop clinical research protocols, providing scientific information that will contribute to medical advancements and to the search for new and improved treatments for cancer patients.
Throughout our history, we have conducted studies on various types of cancers such as breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, among others. Therefore, we encourage you to stay informed about the opportunities and benefits that these programs provide.
What is a clinical trial? What do I need to know?
The basic definition of a clinical trial is the evaluation of an investigational drug by physicians and researchers. A clinical trial, also known as a «research study,» assists physicians and researchers in understanding an investigational drug and its effect on a specific disease or condition.
What is an investigational drug?
An investigational drug is a medication that has not yet been approved for marketing and general use in treating a specific disease or condition. This means that it is only available to people participating in clinical trials.
An investigational drug is studied throughout the different stages of clinical trials. Once these trials are completed, the country’s medical regulatory authorities review the results and decide whether the investigational drug should be approved for marketing and general use.